

Sita is a qualified teacher in preschool and elementary school both in Sweden and Spain with 30 years of experience in the teaching profession.
She holds a master’s degree in linguistics and is from Cadiz, with 16 years of experience from the Scandinavian school in Madrid.
Sita is also responsible for the Spanish education required by the school.

“Barn och språk har alltid varit en självklarhet för mig. Med dagens globalisering är det bara en tidsfråga innan flera skolor väljer att uppmuntra flerspråkighet.
Jag är själv flerspråkig, och växte upp med polska, engelska och spanska som hemspråk. Det har gett mig intressanta synpunkter över hur viktigt det är att respektera och värdesätta det språk och den kultur man kommer ifrån. Andalucia är hemma för mig.”

Sita is the class teacher for grades F-3.


Svetlana is a qualified teacher in Sweden and has 15 years of experience as a high school and elementary school teacher in Spanish and social studies.
Svetlana was born in Serbia and has lived in Malmo and Catalonia.

“I am passionate about my subjects, collaborative learning, language development approaches, student democracy, interdisciplinary work, and creating accessible learning environments for all students.”

Svetlana is the class teacher for grades 4-6.


Johan has both extensive and comprehensive experience as a teacher and supervisor in both Spain and Sweden. With a PGD in statistics and a Master’s in economics, Johan supervises distance students in mathematics.

Johan also runs windsurfing schools in Spain and Sweden and has instructed in Jujutsu for 8 years.

If desired, extra lessons with Johan in mathematics can be booked, and enrollment in his windsurfing courses is also available.


With experience as a physical education teacher, recreational educator, masseur, dietary advisor, and caretaker, Bojan has also played basketball at elite levels in Sweden and abroad.

“My goal is to work in a performance-oriented manner, where effort, development, and continuous learning are important to achieve results.”

Bojan is the school’s physical education teacher and recreational educator.

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