Questions and Answers

Below, we have gathered frequently asked questions and answers.
If you don’t find the answer to your question, please contact us, and we will respond.

Do you follow the Swedish curriculum?
Swedish International School follows the Swedish curriculum, which means that the teaching is conducted according to the Swedish syllabus. We provide written assessments in each grade up to and including grade 6.

What permits does the school have?
Swedish International School is licensed and supervised by the Junta de Andalucia. Additionally, we are approved by the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket) for Supplementary Swedish education.

Why are you not eligible for government subsidies?
The school has not applied for government subsidies from the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket). The school is locally supervised by the Junta de Andalucia and is not financed by government subsidies. This gives us the freedom to expand our teaching with additional language and cultural activities.

Read more about government subsidies here:

Can I bring the school funding to the school?
The transfer of school funding is decided by each municipality, and the application is made directly to them. The school’s principal can provide a certificate confirming completion of compulsory education at another school, indicating that we follow the Swedish curriculum.

Is it possible to enter the Swedish education system after attending Swedish International School?
Yes, that’s possible. Students have their written assessments as part of facilitating the transition to Sweden or another country.

What does it mean that you have extra languages?
We have expanded English and Spanish instruction from preschool class to grade 6. All class and preschool teachers are proficient in the Spanish language and use it during the school day.

Which grade levels does the school offer?
The school accepts children and students from 2 years old up to grade 6. We also offer guidance for middle and high school through Sofia Distance and Hermods.

Do you have to apply for distance studies through Sofia Distance and Hermods yourself?
Each student applies for distance studies themselves and can simultaneously apply for government subsidies to cover the fees.

Länkar hittas här:

Kan ni ta emot internationella elever?
Skolan uppfyller kraven från Junta de Andalucia vad gäller spanska språket och kultur för att kunna tillgodose även elever med spanska som modersmål. Kraven på detta är att skolan innehar lärare med spansk lärarlegitimation med behörighet inom spanska språket.

Samtliga lärare på skolan innehar svensk lärarlegitimation. Vissa lärare innehar även Spansk lärarlegitimation

Vilka tider är skoldagen?
Skoldagen är mellan 9-15 måndag till fredag med möjlighet till fritids fram till 16.30 från 6 års ålder. 

Vilka läsårstider har skolan?
Läsåret sträcker sig från september till juni. Vi följer svenska läsårstider och även vissa spanska helgdagar.
Distansstudierna följer respektive anordnares läsårstider.

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